We are a group of Yoga teachers who have received our 1750+ hrs intensive training in Classical Hatha Yoga from Isha Hatha School of Yoga in Coimbatore under the guidance of Sadhguru, who is a Mystic, Yogi and living Master with a difference. We offer various Classical Hatha Yoga practices, each tailored to different needs, in its full depth and dimension to anyone who is seeking ways to bring fitness and well-being to their system. We are located in different parts of the Greater Toronto Area

Isha Hatha Yoga Teachers standing in front of Adiyogi in Coimbatre

Isha Hatha Yoga Teachers in Ardhasiddhasana infront of Adiyogi

We are a group of Yoga teachers who have received our 1750+ hrs intensive training in Classical Hatha Yoga from Isha Hatha School of Yoga in Coimbatore under the guidance of Sadhguru, who is a Mystic, Yogi and living Master with a difference. We offer various Classical Hatha Yoga practices, each tailored to different needs, in its full depth and dimension to anyone who is seeking ways to bring fitness and well-being to their system. We are located in different parts of the Greater Toronto Area
The Teachers
We are a group of Yoga teachers who have received our 1750+ hrs intensive training in Classical Hatha Yoga from Sadhguru Gurukulam - Classical Hatha Yoga in Coimbatore We offer various Classical Hatha Yoga practices, each tailored to different needs, in its full depth and dimension to anyone who is seeking ways to bring fitness and well-being to their system. We are located in different parts of the Greater Toronto Area
Sadhguru & Isha Foundation
Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic and visionary, and a prominent spiritual leader. An author, poet, and internationally-renowned speaker, Sadhguru’s wit and piercing logic provoke and widen our perception of life. www.ishafoundation.org
Isha Foundation is a flowering of Sadhguru’s guidance and wisdom. His deep experience and understanding of life, from the everyday to the ultimate, provide the inspiration for Isha Foundation’s vision of global harmony and individual empowerment.
Deeply touched and transformed by their personal experiences, volunteers bring to life Isha’s myriad activities, forming the vibrant force of dedication and love that makes Isha truly unique. Read more...
Isha Hatha Yoga School
Isha Hatha Yoga School delivers classical Hatha Yoga in its full depth and dimension. It is Sadhguru’s vision to offer this ancient science in all its purity and make it available to every individual. As a step towards realizing this vision, he has devised the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program. In this program, Hatha Yoga will be taught as a living experience in the most beautiful ashram setting of the Isha Yoga Center, India under the grace of a living master. Upon completion of the program, trainees will have the privilege and fulfillment of bringing this knowledge to many more people. Read more...